Healthy Surrey:

Healthy Surrey

Suicidal thoughts and feelings

If you're feeling like you want to die, it's important to tell someone

Help and support is available right now if you need it. You do not have to struggle with difficult feelings alone. Let family or friends know what's going on for you. They may be able to offer support and help keep you safe. Starting the conversation is what's important.

If you find it difficult to talk to someone you know, you could contact the below services:

  • Mental Health Crisis Helpline: 0800 915 4644. This is a 24 hour support helpline for people in Surrey and North East Hampshire experiencing a mental health crisis. If you have speech or hearing difficulties, you can contact through SMS text: 07717 989024
  • Safe Haven: Safe Havens - Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • 111 out of hours: they will help you find the support and help you need
  • GP: contact your GP and ask for an emergency appointment

Important: If you or someone else is in a life-threatening situation then ring 999 immediately or go straight to A&E.

Phone a helpline

These free helplines are there to help when you're feeling down or desperate. Unless it says otherwise, they're open 24 hours a day, every day. You can also call these helplines for advice if you're worried about someone else.

Samaritans – for everyone
Call 116 123

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
Call 0800 58 58 58 from 5pm to midnight every day
Visit the webchat page

Papyrus – for people under 35
Call 0800 068 41 41 from 9am to midnight every day
Text 07860 039967

Childline – for children and young people under 19
Call 0800 1111 – the number will not show up on your phone bill

SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone
Call 0300 1020 505 – 4pm to midnight every day

Message a text line

If you do not want to talk to someone over the phone, these text lines are open 24 hours a day, every day.

Shout Crisis Text Line – for everyone. Text "SHOUT" to 85258

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – for people under 19. Text "YM" to 85258

Talk to someone you trust.

Stay Alive App

The Stay Alive app is a pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.

In addition to the resources, the app includes a safety plan, customisable reasons for living, and a life box where you can store photos that are important to you.

This can be downloaded free from the App store, Google Play and Web App.